
Website publisher

Synagila Ltd. with a capital of € 5,000
RCS Nantes 799 341 144
SIRET: 799 341 144 0001 9
VAT: FR 17799341144
Headquarters: 84 Quai de la Fosse – 44100 Nantes – France
Publishing Director : Nicolas Bernier

Intellectual Property

This entire site is covered by French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved, including downloadable documents, iconographic and photographic representations.

Reproduction of all or part of this site on any support is strictly prohibited without the formal permission of the publication director.

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The word Synagila and the Synagila logo are registered trademarks of Synagila. No mention is made of rights with respect to other trademarks, service marks or tradenames whether registered or not, which may attach to certain words or signs used herein. The absence of such mention, however, in no way implies that there is no protection of these marks, tradenames, words or signs.

However, the absence of any reference in any way imply that these trademarks, service marks , words or signs are not protected.

Photo Credits

Nicolas Bernier, José Montero, Hein waschefort, Max Braun, Geoffrey Whiteway, Zach Vega, TheGoldenBox, Victor1558, Hugo Humberto Plácido da Silva, Mkhmarketing, Alejandro Escamilla, Hannah Donovan, Chris P Jobling, Matthew-(WMF).

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